15″ x 18 ¼” x 6″
Walnut wood base
Limited Edition of 9 Bronze
Let Curt tell you about this piece!
Design is one of the many components of sculpture and has a profound effect on how a piece will resonate with the viewer. It can make or break a piece. I am so excited about the way the design of this piece came together. Many of you know I love action and the challenge of telling a good story in sculpture. To do this I must consider size as part of the design to tell the story. Some pieces must be big, however for some a smaller size is more effective. This sculpture carries the punch of a larger piece in a smaller size. How good it that!
When gathering cattle, there are always those that are trying to break away from the herd. That is the case here. This wily steer has broke out and headed for the high country. The name for these cattle is “bunch quitter”. Unfortunately for him, this cowgirl has jumped into action and spoiled his get away. While the steer made it a little way, this gal makes a real good hand with a really nice horse under her. As a team, they have have the maverick turned and headed back to the herd. This horse is so handy as he slides down the hillside; this rider is setting her horse like she’s been there a few times.
The horse is a youngster as the snaffle bit indicates. The saddle is a R.T. Frazier, it is one of the ladies saddles they made at the shop in Pueblo, Colorado. She is wearing a split riding skirt, Montana peak hat, with gauntlets on her hands. The era is the early 1900’s, 1915 or so.
This gives you an idea of how western things could get working salty cattle on the open range. The cowgirl is up to it though. Confident in her horse and her skills. She’s bringin’ one back. She is “Catchin’ A Quitter”.